I think all of us without exception have dreams and duties and sometimes we need make a choice between them. This choice is usually hard for us and sometimes we think that it is impossible for us to decide what is better.
I like example of Viola de Lesseps from film “Shakespeare in Love”. I am sure that she’s brave a woman maybe braver than some men, because it is really hard to do your duty than what do you really want. You know I extremely agree with her choice and I suppose that in the first place must be our duties and just then should be our dreams. I know that many people have another opinion. They believe that dreams are most important thing in our life… but I have to object to this opinion, because if all people followed dreams the world would fall in chaos.
Just lets imagine, you're a surgion and you have got a patient who need serious operation. So and in this moment your favorite band gives a concert in your city, and you have to decide what's more important, and it's hard for you because it's your dream to see that show... I now that it's no realistic, but anyway this example shows us all importance of our choise.
In the of this I just want to say that all of can decide what is better for him or for her but we always must think about consequences of us our actions.
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