суббота, 25 мая 2013 г.

Odessa, Ukraine, August 11, 1993, 1993
59 x 49 5/8 in. (149.9 x 126 cm)
Edition 6 of 6
Promised gift of Beth and Anthony Terrana

Rineke Dijkstra has become well known for incisively direct photographic and video portraits of individuals in the midst of change, such as the diptych of an Israeli Army inductee already in the ICA collection. Odessa, Ukraine, August 11, 1993 faces us with a young boy in shorts and sandals clutching two unclothed dolls to his bare chest. The dolls’ pert plastic smiles and oversized bright eyes call attention to the boy’s comparatively vacant, stone-faced expression. Juxtaposing the childhood joy implied by the toys with a premature resignation glimpsed in her subject, Dijkstra hints at the fragility of hope, the fleetingness of youth, and an innocence soon to be lost.

Sad story about stupid girl

Emmelie looked at her reflection in the mirror and she was pleased. The operation was effective. She began think about astonishment of her boyfriend, she supposed that it would be a pleasant surprise for him, because he was the main reason of these changes. She thought he did not love her very much. She was an owner of plain appearance as she thought.
She called Tom (name of Emmelie’s boyfriend) and fixed up a meeting with him in the café that was across the street…
Tom was shocked, he cannot say anything, and he just took the sit on the opposite side.
- Just tell me, why?
- I have done for you. I thought you did not love because I was ugly, but now I am beautiful.
- You was more beautiful than now you are. So why haven't you told me about your thoughts.
- I thought that you would break off our relations.
- You know in that time it was impossible, but now I’m going to do it

воскресенье, 19 мая 2013 г.

Madam Tussaud

Madam Tussaud
Episode 1. Introduction.
•10 000 000.
•2 500 000.

Episode 2. History.
•81 •Madam Tussaud's mother worked as a housekeeper to Dr. Philippe Curtius.
•over 200.
•17, Voltaire (philosopher of her time).
•Family of Louis XVI.

Episode 3. A sneaky peep behind the scenes.
•he was an extremely calm and powerful person. He had powerful stare, that the sculptor had to look away.
•Metal frame which supported him.
•It was a Paul McCartney's jacket
•Clothes are donated.
•He said that it was fascinating and perfect

Episode 4. Roaming around
•Eminent people from the world of politics and royal dynasties.
•Tussaud made death masks of the heads from the guillotine's basket.
•The chamber of horrors.

Episode 5. Moving to England.
•It was destroyed by fire.
Episode 6. Designing the settings.
•Members of Tussauds Group design Studio wanted it to be a relaxing atmosphere
•They had brainstorming sessions then they worked up a story board. then they worked up scale drawings in 1 to 25 scale which would be translated into a model, into 3 dimensions.

Episode 7. Glimpses of the future.
•The spirit of London
•Royal courts, Shakespeare, relive the terror of The Great Fire and see the rebuilding of the city, through the London of C. Dickens - LONDON AS YOU'VE NEVER SEEN IT BEFORE)